Tag: Jesse Alderfer


PREVIEW: OSLO VIKINGS VS. VÅLERENGA TROLLS 16. Mai 19:00 – Frogner Stadion Dagen har kommet: Kampen om Oslo – Derby! Finnes det noen bedre måte å varme opp til 17. mai på enn med et intenst by-oppgjør i solskinnet? Selvfølgelig ikke! Allerede på lørdag kunne man se Oslo Vikings sende Kristiansand Gladiators slukøret hjem etter

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Update from our Head Coach, Jesse Alderfer

With the overwhelming effort and performance our players have shown during this and last year’s off season (and in-season), we have created a slew of exciting opportunities for them to showcase what they can do both on and off the football field in 2016. Starting with the off-season and Coach Vogt’s work in the weight

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