
Live stream Link for Oslo Vikings v.s Copenhagen Towers !!


Here is the Link for our game tomorrow v.s the Copenhagen Towers ! Kick off is at 12:00 CEST !! Be sure to tune in if you can not make it to the stadium. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F_jxwa_3qc   GO VIKINGS!!      

Oslo Vikings vs Copenhagen Towers


The Oslo Vikings Senior Elite team are kicking off their 2018 NEFL campaign vs the Copenhagen Towers!       On Saturday April 14th (kl 12:00) @ Frogner Stadium the Oslo Vikings will be going into battle with their Danish rivals the Copenhagen Towers. Information regarding the game can be found on  Oslo Vikings Facebook

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Vikings Alumni Continuing to Give Back as Long Time Sponsors


Former Vikings players are helping pave the way for the new generation “The Oslo Vikings are pleased to announce the continued support from our longtime sponsors, Wang Toppidrett and RevisionsBureauet AS! Thanks to their lasting partnership, which has been paramount to the Vikings organization since 2007 , our players and staff benefit from a leading

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Oslo Vikings NEFL Press Release


Oslo Vikings American Football Club FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oslo, Norway – March 2nd,2018: After qualifying for and confirming our participation in the Northern European Football League, the schedule details have now been released – the dates are fast approaching, so be sure to mark them down in your calendar! What an exciting time for the Oslo

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Vikings sign coach Nicolay Knutsen for the 2018 season


The Oslo Vikings have signed a big piece of their puzzle for the 2018 season. Today we are happy to announce the signing of coach Nicolay Knutsen for a 1 year contract extension. Coach Knutsen has been a long time member of the Oslo Vikings. Nicolay joined the Vikings starting as a player in 2001.

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The Vikings are looking for your help!


Oslo, den 26. januar 2018   Jeg sitter i valgkomiteen i Oslo Vikings og vi nærmer oss et nytt årsmøte og valg av nytt styre. Møte finner sted 27. februar 2018 kl 19:00. Det vises til Styret sin melding som er lagt ut på våre sosiale nettsteder.   I denne anledning så vil jeg benytte

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Vikings re-sign coach Mann to 3 year contract extension


The Oslo Vikings are very excited to announce the re-signing of Athletic Director and Senior team head coach Derek Mann.     The Vikings and coach Mann inked a new three year contract extension from 2018 to 2021.   Over the past 4 years Derek has coached multiple teams in the organization. He started as

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Information on Funeral for Rolv Nicolaysen


Dear Vikings family. The time and place for Rolv Bjarne’s funeral is now set. The ceremony will take place at Bygdøy Church on Wednesday 20th of December, at 13.00. Address: Bygdøy Kirke, Strømsborgveien 8. We hope to see a lot of Vikings friends at the ceremony for our old friend.

Sad news to report for the Viking Community.


Dear Vikings family. We are very sad to announce that one of our old Vikings member and friend Rolv Bjarne Nicolaysen has passed away. He suffered a heart attack during a business trip to Singapore last week. This came totally unexpected and as a shock to all of us. Rolv was one of the early

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Aslaksen innlemmet i Hall of Fame: – En stor ære

Helgen 26./27.november ble Oslo Vikings-legende Nicolay Aslaksen innlemmet i Hall of Fame, som en av bare seks norske spillere gjennom tidene. Vi har tatt en prat med Aslaksen om hans karriere, hvordan det er å bli innlemmet i Hall of Fame og hva han har av høydepunkter i sin karriere. Aslaksen sier til Oslo Vikings

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